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AROQA Participates in the "Quality and Excellence Programs"  Educational Meeting 
AMMAN ------ May 2016-----The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) participated in the educational meeting titled "Quality and Excellence Programs" organized by the Private Education Directorate at the Jordanian Ministry of Education and hosted by Omariya Schools.
The event was held  under the patronage of Omariya Schools principal Mr. Ameen Shdaifat and attended by more than 100 schools across Jordan. 
This participation comes as a part of AROQA's keenness to keep pace with all updates in the field of academic accreditation and its commitment to support quality and develop educational services. 
During the meeting, AROQA’s Director Ms. Sara Al Eisawi, overviewed the academic accreditation standards and procedures for schools pointing out  that AROQA continuously seeks, under the directions of AROQA’s President HE Dr. Talal Abu- Ghazaleh, to keep pace with the latest updates in the field of academic accreditation and apply such updates to the development of its standards and directives.   
Ms. Eisawi illustrated that the implementation of quality and academic accreditation standards provides the opportunity for self-leaning and improvement of the educational outcomes of schools through effective participation, review and preparation of quality self- assessment according to the best educational practices, standards and indicators. In addition, it also ensures providing an excellent educational environment and offering a high quality educational experience to students, as well as enhancing their academic, professional, and behavioral performance in accordance with the international educational requirements. 
Mr. Shdaifat highlighted the Schools' work and the management commitment to implement excellence and quality standards. 
Dr. Hisham Abdul Moati, general director of Omariya Schools, confirmed the academic and administrative faculties' commitment to implement quality standards and their keenness to develop the educational services and systems in the School. He also expressed his pride to cooperate with AROQA on implementing the accreditation procedures. 
The educational meeting included a speech delivered by Dr. Balsam Al Ma'aytah, in which she asserted the importance of quality and excellence and the vital role of the Ministry of Education in promoting excellence and quality standards in the different stages, starting with the role of the Ministry in facilitating the procedures of educational, guiding and health services to elevate the educational services and prepare active citizens for the knowledge society. 
Al Radwan School also demonstrated its experience with Al Hassan Award for Excellence in addition to the experiences of other distinguished schools such as Ain Jalout School, Al Sarow School and Universal Civilizations Academy.