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AROQA affiliate membership is open to educational institutions, business organizations, foundations, professional associations, and non-profit organizations with a major interest in evaluation, accreditation and quality assurance in education. Through our services and network, AROQA will help its members enhance their knowledge and skills, develop relationships and promote awareness in the field of Quality of Education.

By joining AROQA, members become automatically part of our extensive network in the field of Quality Assurance in Education. This will allow members to regularly meet with peers to discuss, share and benchmark experiences.

Membership Benefits and Services:

Members of AROQA will continue to lead the Arab region to new developments in quality in education and facilitate the implementation of internationally recognized quality standards. Your participation will enrich our community and will surely enhance quality and accreditation standards of your institution. These are some of AROQA membership privileges:

• Discount on courses offered by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education.
• 10% discount on TAG TECH devices for the most active members who contribute to the dissemination and marketing of AROQAa's activities.
• Exchange of effective individual and institutional activities.
• Publishing research in the Organization's journal: "The Arab Journal of Quality in Education ("AJQE").
• Publishing the activities and events of the members through the social media of the Organization.