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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) intends to hold a workshop during its 8th Annual Conference on “Processes and Procedures of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET)”- (Practical training on steps to implement continuous improvement processes). This workshop is to be presented by Professor Karim Nasr, Assistant Chairman for Scientific Research and Development and the University of Balamand, and Dr. Muwafaq Al Otoum, Assistant Dean for Higher Studies and Scientific Research at Yarmouk University- Jordan. It will be held at the premises of the American University of Beirut (AUB) - Lebanon on 2/12/2016.
The workshop will address methodological steps to qualify engineering, computer sciences and IT programs for the academic accreditation from (ABET). It will also clarify accreditation processes through presenting and discussing the nine necessary academic standards in detail to obtain accreditation from (ABET). These represent matters related to students, program objectives, program outcomes, evaluation, continuous improvement, curriculum, faculty members, facilities, institutional support and program standards.
The workshop will also discuss significant other aspects related to the participation of basic elements such as professionals, institutions as well as representatives from the industry sector and the government.
The workshop targets deans and heads of departments in engineering, computer sciences and applied sciences faculties as well as representatives from quality assurance and accreditation centers at universities, in addition to representatives of accreditation authorities in Arab countries.
ABET is the authority entitled to accredit computer sciences, engineering and technology programs in the USA and currently all around the world.
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