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Beirut – the Minister of Telecommunication inaugurated, at the AUB headquarters, the Eighth Regional Annual Conference on the Quality of Education that was entitled "Enabling Regional Quality in Education" and organized by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA). The conference was chaired by the Chair of AROQA, H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and was attended, with the workshops, by Dr. Yasser Abdel Muneim, the Director of Education and Scientific Research department at the League of Arab States, and Mr. Fuad Kassem, the Iraqi Undersecretary of Higher Education Ministry. A number of researchers, academics, and representatives of international organizations and educational institutions from different Arab countries participated in that conference.
H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh expressed thanks to H.E. Mr. Boutrus Hrab, the Minister of Telecommunication for inaugurating the conference. He recognized the role of Lebanon in taking care of education, quality in education, and accreditation. He also highlighted Lebanon's efforts in working with academic institutions for achieving the transformation from teaching to learning and directing education towards creativity, with the belief that knowledge-making is the way to wealth-making. 
Over 65 scientific papers, specialized in the quality of education and accreditation, were proposed by researchers from Arab and non-Arab universities, and were evaluated by the scientific committee of the conference according to the scientific research criteria. 20 papers were approved, presented in the conference's sessions, and published in the conference's booklet. Recommendations and decisions contributing in the elevation of the quality of education in the Arab region are to be concluded.
The scientific papers revolved around the quality standards and systems, and the researchers addressed the best practices, studies, and research methodology of the quality. They also discussed education tools, methods, and quality systems.
Finally, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh offered commemorative shields to the sponsor of the event and the senior attendees.