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Within the framework of the school accreditation program of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education, which the University Schools Group is working on, the organization made an external evaluation visit to the schools group after the schools submitted their self-report to the organization, and the visit comes after the organization evaluated in writing the evaluation report submitted by the schools Then conducting the external evaluation visit in the context of the organization's urge to examine the quality and development of education systems and services in the school group.
His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of the Organization, stressed the importance of quality assurance and accreditation to enhance educational outcomes and attention to real quality content to improve education systems and services.
He added that the organization seeks with all its efforts to improve the quality of education, expressing his pride in the work of the organization and the importance of its mission and mission.
The application of quality and school accreditation standards includes standards related to developing the vision and goals in line with the accelerating educational developments in the world of knowledge, developing governance and leadership to support continuous improvement efforts, and applying modern and advanced methods of teaching and education so that the curricula provide good opportunities for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and use an evaluation system Comprehensive and documenting results to measure the extent of development and improvement, in addition to providing technical resources and resources to support the educational process and commitment to the process of continuous improvement to ensure quality and its development.