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In preparation for the twelfth conference that will be held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia during 3-5 April 2021.
Who interested are invited to submit papers to be presented in AROQA Conference 2020 in special sessions and panels in the following topics:
•  Accreditation standards for innovation and leadership.
•  Artificial intelligence.
•  Technology and digital cognitive learning.
•  Distance education and e-learning.
•  Information and communication technology in the application of quality in education.
•  E-learning processes to achieve quality.
•  Standards and frameworks for quality assurance systems in education in accordance with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
•  Evaluation of educational programs and systems.
•  Evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness educational.
•  Quality applications in educational programs and institutions.


Research papers for the conference are accepted in Arabic or English and the papers must be submitted in full with a number of pages ranging from eight to ten pages and no more than 8000 words. The paper should contain:
 - A summary of approximately 500 words and 7 main vocabulary indicating the central topics and concepts formulated in the article.
 - The research should contain the main parts: research methodology and clarification of the results and recommendations of the research.
 - The font type in Arabic is "simplified Arabic", in English "Times New Roman", and the font size is 12.
 Definition of the author / authors: last name, name, institution, full address, fax number, email, and brief CV.
The papers are sent by email to no later than Dec 1, 2020, and all papers submitted by two specialized researchers are evaluated and accepted are published in the conference brochure, and the five best papers will be selected for publication in the Arab Journal for Quality Education .


For inquiries, please contact the organization's e-mail: or call:
0096265100900 ext: 4309