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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education "AROQA" issued the Vol 7 No 2, of the Arab Journal of Quality of Education. The publication included a set of valuable research, including: 1. The role of knowledge management in improving the quality of the institutional performance of universities, 2. Strategies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, a study a comparison of the effect of non-drug intervention strategies followed in Italy and Sweden. 3. The relationship between investment in education and the privatization of the university education sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It is noteworthy that the issue summaries are posted on the journal's website

The journal also launched a call for scientific papers in preparation for Vol 8 No 1, with topics and themes related to the following:
1. Accreditation criteria for innovation and entrepreneurship
2. Artificial intelligence
3. Technology and digital cognitive learning
4. Information and communication technology in the application of quality in education
5. E-learning processes to achieve quality
6. Standards and frameworks for quality assurance systems in education
7. Self-evaluation processes and internal audit applications


The editorial board is also preparing to receive research and topics from experts in educational institutions around the world via the following email:


All research is subject to a rigorous evaluation process by the referees, who are Arab and international personalities who are well known in the fields of education, where the research that gets the highest evaluation is accepted.

Note that the journal is a refereed, indexed and specialized periodical issued by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education in two issues annually and since 2014, the magazine is a platform for researchers and specialists in the quality of education and is based on presenting the most important research and educational developments and discussing developments and issues related to the quality of education and the academic accreditation of educational institutions and programs.
Perhaps one of the main objectives of the magazine is to answer many questions related to education services, and to put the results and recommendations of research in the hands of the education sector decision-makers, and research centers to benefit from and build on them, in addition to enhancing knowledge in the field of education quality and accreditation in the Arab countries.

Papers are submitted in Arabic or in English electronically via the journal's website or by sending them to the editorial office by e-mail:

All papers are carefully evaluated by at least two referees, who are scientists, researchers and specialists from the Arab region and the world.