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AMMAN - The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education has concluded the training program "Reviewer of Quality Assurance in Education" in its tenth edition "Online" during the period 11/27/2020 - 12/12/2020.
A number of quality and education specialists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Tunisia, Palestine and Jordan participated in the training course.
On this program, His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that "AROQA" is working on training and capacity building in the field of quality assurance in education, as this qualitative session took place; to prepare and qualify the participants to be reviewers of education quality, and qualified to work in the departments of quality education.
Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his pride in the participants ’interest in joining the program" digitally, "because of its importance in providing participants with the necessary skills for a successful reviewer" professionally and personally, "in addition to acquiring skills related to field visits, examining evidence and writing reports.
The training program - presented by the Executive Director of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education, Mr. Yaser Al-Nadi - focused on learning about local and international accreditation standards, and the practical application of how to conduct preparation for field visits and assessing an educational institution virtually.
The participants praised the level of training in this program, and they also thanked His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for his influential efforts in providing support and assistance to societies through his hard work and his keenness to support and develop quality in educational institutions, by organizing qualitative training programs as a reviewer course.
It is noteworthy that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education is an international non-profit association, established in Belgium in 2007, and its primary goal is to promote the quality of higher education in general with a focus on the Arab world in particular, and it operates under the umbrella of the League of Arab States and is cheared by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and the its honorary chaired by the Secretary General of the League of Arab States.