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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education “AROQA” held a virtual training workshop with schools in the sisterly State of Palestine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in Palestine, “virtual” online via Zoom, in an effort to spread the culture of quality assurance in education.

Mr. Yaser Al-Nadi, Executive Director of "AROQA", conveyed the greetings of His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, President and Founder of the organization, to His Excellency Dr. Marwan Awartani, Minister of Education, the Ministry of Education, and the schools of the sisterly State of Palestine. Appreciating the efforts of the Ministry and schools to develop and improve the educational level and keep abreast of developments and modern knowledge and technology changes.

In turn, the Ministry and schools in the State of Palestine expressed their pride in the activities of "AROQA" headed by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, which revolve around providing accreditation services, quality assurance, consultations and capacity building in education quality, in addition to implementing distinguished courses and workshops for workers in the educational sector in Arab countries to achieve quality assurance in Educational institutions, valuing what the organization offers in this regard.

For his part, Mr. Al-Nadi pointed out that the organization decided to conduct the workshop "digitally" for the Ministry and schools in the State of Palestine to define the organization and its activities, most notably the school accreditation program that includes criteria and indicators, which includes the application of several criteria, most notably students, institutional competence, resources, communication and communication, and the criterion of creativity and excellence, as well as Participants were introduced to the indicators of the school accreditation program, which include the curriculum and the opportunities it provides for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, digital learning, the extent to which a comprehensive digital evaluation system is used and measuring the extent of development and improvement, in addition to the extent to which the technical resources and necessary resources are provided to support the educational process and commit to the process of continuous improvement. To ensure quality and develop it.

It is noteworthy that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) is an independent international non-profit association established in Belgium in 2007 with the aim of raising the level of education in general, headed by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and honorary chairmanship of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.