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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education announced the opening of the registration for the training program "Quality Assurance in Education Reviewer" in its eleventh edition "Online" that will be held on Friday and Saturday,  February 5-6, Friday and Saturday, February 12-13, and Friday and Saturday to 19-20 February, and Friday, 26 February.

Where the general objective of the program will be to prepare and qualify the participants to be reviewer of quality education, and qualified to work in the departments of quality of education.
The program targets the following segments:

1. Quality officials in: (accreditation body - university - college - school).
2. Those with university qualifications and majors related to education or quality.
3. Holders of other qualifications if they hold quality courses.
4. Those interested with experience in the field of education in schools, universities, school administration or quality (not less than 3 years).

About this program and after the end of the program, the trainee will be able to acquire the reviewe's skills "technically, professionally and personally" and write reports, acquire field visit skills.

Participant will also practically apply a mechanism for employing data collection tools in preparation for the field visit and will hypothetically evaluate a self-evaluation report for an educational institution, in addition to identifying criteria International and Arabic for accreditation.

The participant registers and submits a request for participation via email:
Confirm registration by calling one of the following numbers: