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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education has launched (the updated) official website of The Arab Journal of Quality in Education,, which has become more modern and up-to-date with all developments in the educational arena.

AJQE that provides arbitration and publication services for scientific and literary papers and referred research contributions and studies related to: innovation, leadership, artificial intelligence, technology, digital knowledge learning, and information technology, as well as communication in the application of quality in education, and e-learning.

This website, now updated to keep pace with globalism, globalization and world development, comes in line with the mission, vision and objectives of AROQA and its requirements related to the modern era. The website which should now be considered an education flagship of the Arab Organization is a concerted response to keeping pace with latest technologies in online learning. It is a vital integrated electronic circuit and e-platform that brings all academic research together starting from submission, rigorous evaluation, arbitration and eventual publication of the research papers.

The Arab Journal of Quality in Education (chaired by H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh) has a distinguished constellation of top reviewers from Arab countries and around the world, who are experts and specialists in quality in all fields of education, within the AJQE  framework based on providing an e-platform for researchers and policy-makers in the Arab region and  globally, to produce a technically-optimal services for high-powered economies, societies and cultures.

It is there to discuss developments and issues related to enhancing the quality of education and answer many questions related to learning services, and place the research results and recommendations in the hands of decision-makers and research education centers for their benefit from and to build on them to enhance top knowledge management in the field of education quality and accreditation in Arab countries, so that we can nurture expertise and know-how for a better tomorrow and a prosperous future.