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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education, in cooperation with future Vision, announced the new date for the twelfth annual conference entitled: (Innovation and Artificial Intelligence in Education), which will be held during the period 26-28 February 2022 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia

It also renewed the invitation for those wishing to participate in the conference to submit their scientific research and studies, in themes and topics related to the quality of education, where all papers submitted by two specialized researchers will be evaluated and the accepted ones published in the conference brochure, and the best five papers will be published in the Arab Journal of Education Quality .

The convening of this conference comes at a time when artificial intelligence has left no door but its methods within the fields of practical and scientific life. The conference will present the applications of artificial intelligence in education and its uses in creativity, innovation and leadership, in addition to raising awareness of modern education issues and discussing the challenges facing the region in front of the inclusion and use of such Modern technologies for shifting from teaching to learning to develop creative capabilities, and to formulate the latest ideas for the educational process so that all stakeholders can keep pace with new applications in education, innovation, leadership and skills of the century in light of the accelerating information and communication technology revolution.
The conference will address the practical applications that keep pace with global competitiveness required by the stage, in the applications of innovation standards in education and the achievement of sustainable development goals. As this will be practically reflected on the scientific and practical reality in various fields.

It is noteworthy that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), which was established in 2007, is an independent international non-profit association, which enjoys the honorary chaired by the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, headed by Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, and its goal is to raise the level of education in general with a focus on the Arab world in general. Special.