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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education "AROQA", chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, sponsored the "Spelling Bee" competition for the first basic grades (first, second, third) organized by the Philadelphia Basic School for Girls, with the participation of a number of government schools In the Kingdom, under the supervision of a jury of English language supervisors and teachers, affiliated to the Kasbah Amman District Directorate - Ministry of Education.

Mr. Yasser Al-Nadi, Executive Director of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (ARQA), praised the ceremony for the knowledge and science it contained, and the role of teachers, parents and community institutions in promoting purposeful scientific competitions and demonstrating their importance in developing students’ language skills, enriching them and employing them in life. Vocabulary develops students' speaking and writing skills, and such competitions encourage a spirit of challenge and positive competition among students.

The competition concluded with honoring the members of the jury and the “AROQA” team by the school administration, and based on Abu-Ghazaleh’s directives, Alnadi honored the students participating in the competition and its organizers, and presented the group’s shield to the Philadelphia School administration, Ms. Arwa Al-Damour, praising her efforts and the efforts of the school’s teachers in activating extra-curricular educational activities in student learning.