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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education issued the first issue of the ninth volume of the Arab Journal of Quality in Education headed by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh. AJQE issued the issue in April 2022, under the supervision of a number of educational arbitrators.

The issue included valuable research and studies, including: "The relationship between educational loss and distance learning for middle school students in Jordan", "Distance education obstacles in light of the Corona Covid 19 pandemic from the point of view of teachers and parents of students in Giza district schools", "Quality of education in classrooms". Learning resources in Jordanian public schools according to the reports of the Education Quality and Accountability Unit", in addition to a study on "the methods of educational evaluation used in open education and their role in increasing student achievement (Sudan Open University as a model)."

The Arab Journal of Quality in Education aims to provide a scientific platform for academic researchers and specialists in the Arab region to publish their research, provide an opportunity to exchange experiences, assist decision makers in making developmental decisions in accordance with recommendations and results of recent research and studies, in addition to enhancing knowledge in the field of education quality and accreditation and advancing them in the Arabia region. .