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Delegating the Organization to Formulate Arab Standards for Quality Education
CAIRO --- September 5, 2012 --- The 4th Conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) was concluded at the Smart Village in Cairo by releasing the Cairo Declaration on Quality Education.
The Conference delegated the management of the Organization to formulate Arab standards for quality education similar to those implemented internationally.
The Cairo Declaration stipulates the following:Under the generous patronage of the League of Arab States, the Fourth Conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) was held September 2-3, 2012 and chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, AROQA President, with the participation of experts in quality education representing the Arab countries. At the Conference, speeches by the Secretary General of the Arab League, Egyptian Minister of Education, Secretary General of Association of Arab Universities and AROQA President were all delivered. Experts attending the meeting delivered lectures and 30 researches were discussed and were recognized to be introduced in the conference.
In conjunction with the Conference, the General Assembly of the Organization which represents the participating Arab countries was also convened.
The Conference and the General Assembly reached the following
decisions:1- Extending gratitude to HE Secretary General of the League of Arab States Mr. Nabeel Al Arabi for his patronage and directives and for deputizing HE Ambassador Dr. Laila Nagm to deliver his speech at the Conference.2- AROQA was delegated to formulate Arab standards in quality education in the Arab world similar to those implemented internationally and on the highest levels. 3- Publishing an Arab specialized magazine in quality education.4- Enhancing AROQA’s cooperation with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (Alecso) and the Association of Arab Universities.5- AROQA is to organize the management of quality in education programs in cooperation with international educational institutions. 6- The upcoming general meeting of the Organization will be in Libya.7- Acknowledgement of AROQA’s reports about its activities, budget and future plans.8- AROQA shall electronically document speeches and reports submitted at the Conference and distribute them to all the related entities in the Arab world.9- Disseminating culture of “Learning” instead of “Education”, and acknowledgement of information and communication technologies in education.

In conclusion, the Conference extended gratitude and appreciation to AROQA and its staff for their role and efforts to meet the required objectives.


HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh during the conclusion of the 4th Annual Conference of AROQA