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BEIRUT-The 8th Annual Conference of AROQA witness the organization of a workshop on "the Accreditation Operations and Procedures in the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) (Practical training on the steps for the implementation of continuous improvement processes). 
The workshop was held at the American University of Beirut (AUB)     and was presented by Prof. Karim Nasser, Assistant President for Scientific Research and Development at the University of Balamand in Lebanon, and Dr. Muwaffaq Al-Otoom, Dean Assistant for Higher Education and Scientific Research at Yarmouk University in Jordan, and was attended by a host of  professors and specialists from Arab universities. 
The workshop addressed the methodological steps for qualifying engineering and information technology programs for ABET academic accreditation.  It also clarified the process of accreditation and discussed the nine academic standards needed for obtaining ABET accreditation which are related to the students, the objectives and outcomes of the program, the assessment and continuous improvement, the curriculums, the faculty, the facilities, the institutional support, and the standards of the program.