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The Arab Journal for Quality Education invites experts and specialists to submit specialized papers and studies for the Vol 5 No 2 of the journal. The journal is a regular, indexed and specialized journal published by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education It presents the most important research and educational developments and discusses the developments and issues related to the quality of education and the academic accreditation of educational institutions and programs.
The magazine aims to:
- Provide the platform for researchers, academics and specialists in the Arab region and the world, to discuss developments and issues related to the enhancement of the quality of education and accreditation
- Provide new knowledge and develop the results and recommendations of researchers and specialists in the hands of decision-makers and research centers to benefit from and build on them
- Promoting knowledge in the quality of education and accreditation and promotion in the Arab region
- Contribute to the awareness and exchange of experiences through the dissemination of scientific and literary research and studies in the quality of education and accreditation at the level of several sectors, including:
- Universities, schools and educational institutions
Libraries and databases
- Managers and Strategies of Education Services
- Decision-makers and education authorities
- Institutions working in the quality of education and accreditation
The Arab Journal for the Quality of Education publishes scientific and literary papers, studies and texts that have not previously been published in the relevant subjects:
- Standards and frameworks of quality assurance systems in education
- Quality assurance and accreditation processes in basic and secondary education, higher education, vocational training and e-learning
- Institutional evaluation programs, quality assessment factors and accreditation bases
- Quality assurance models that are mainly based on the fundamentals and performance standards
- Statistical analysis on the quality of education in educational institutions
- Case studies and successful application models
- Adjustment and verification of teaching and learning
- Self-assessment processes and internal auditing applications
- Quality management, quality improvement, and processes applied to achieve this
- Effective teaching and performance assessment
- e-learning processes and quality control
- Information and communication technology in the application of quality in education
Short papers, book reviews, comments and criticisms can also be submitted
Papers can be submitted in Arabic or English electronically via the electronic magazine website and / or sent to the Editorial Office by email:
All papers are carefully evaluated by at least two scholars, researchers and specialists from the Arab region and the world.